Wednesday, November 18, 2009
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My name is Matt Shirey before I got layed off I was a wielder at Hobart. I worked at Hobart for 11 months. I have been layed off for 6 or 7 months. The whole time I been layed off I have been receiving unemployment. Well some of the troubles of being layed off is you have to cut back on a lot of luxuries like going down to the basics and just groceries and electricity pretty much get your bills out of the way. The government I think has done a pretty job with it you know. I wouldn’t of got half the money I would of gotten when I word at Hobart, but I guess that what I get is better then nothing, and it is more money then what I get if I would work at a minimum wage job. My fiancĂ© is my other source of income she works at Meijer. I think I would go back into the wielding field um just because it is what I like to do. There is nothing really else I want to do. I have until February on my unemployment. I am always looking for a new job it is just there is no jobs there is nothing really, and I think my best shot is Hobart calling me back. The actual job is what I miss the most um just a lot of your friends are at school or moved away it is just you sit at your house all day with nothing to do it just gets boring. That and an extra thousand bucks a month was nice too so. I do not want to go to school for anything else when I already know what I want to do so I am not going to go to school and learn something I do not want to do and spend all that money on it so I will look for jobs and hope for the best I guess. If I had to go back in time I would have to say I would continue to doing the same thing I do know just because I like wielding it is relaxing to me and there is like nothing else I would really like to do. The extra money I made at Hobart was for just like .. I saved it. Right before I got layed off I had a new car picked out. I was going to buy a brand new Lancer, and ah if I still had my job know I would be making close to 20 dollars and hour, and I would probably have a house right know instead of an apartment. You miss out on like, you can not just go out and buy cloths or like you can not go out and do this and that. Like when I had my job I’d a pay all of the bills like all of the rent and all of the utility’s and what not, grocery’s, and my fiancĂ© would just save up for the wedding. Know since I been layed off we had to use some of her money, and know we can not get married until I do not know when. Yeah I think being layed off how of an inconvenienced it is it ah kinda of a learning experience I guess because know the next time I get a job instead of blowing my money on cloths and what not I need to save my money and just in case something like this happen again and if it dose not happen again I will have extra money for when I retire and what not. One thing I use to enjoy before I lost my job was to drive my car it is a lot better to get around when you have money. Since I got layed off my car I did not have to sell it, but it had a minor problem with it that I really could not afford to fix so I had to scrap it and get pretty much nothing for it and you just miss going out to eat and you miss going to the mall and buying random stuff you know. When my unemployment runs out if I can not find a new Job or if I do not get called back I will just probably get some average Joe job just enough to keep what I have know. I have herd recently that in about a month they are sapost to be calling some people back and we all got layed off by seniority and the weilder that was just a tiny bit more seniority then me has already been called back so I am hoping that in about a month I get called back.
Ever since I could remember my uncle has struggled with alcoholism. I remember when I was a child when my father would drop me off at my grandmother’s house to before school and my dad would pick up my uncle who lived at my grandma’s at 30 years old. Some days my uncle would be so drunk my uncle would not get out of bed or he would wet the bed. He eventually got married to a nice girl but she devoiced three years later because of his drinking problem. After that he lost his job (in which his bother was his boss), and lost his house. The last couple of Christmases he has showed up drunk and passes out in a chair. Recently he had a job interview and he needed white shirts and boots, so I gave him my old boots and bought him shirts. The next day was his first day of the job and he was late, so then he drove his buddies car to the place without a license to the place and then got there and the boss of the place thought he was drunk so he blew legally drunk and lost the job. I have never seen some one mess up there life that much. The good thing is that he is now going to AA meetings every day. Alcoholism has hurt my family very much and there is not much we can do about it. If you know that is struggling with alcoholism help as much as you can with out making the addiction worse.
The other day my girlfriend and I were shopping for baby cloths for my aunts baby shower. We had to shop for preemie cloths for a baby that is due in two weeks. The reason for that is because the baby that she is having is a lot smaller than an average baby because my aunt is forty years old and smokes a pack a day. A couple of months ago my mom was talking to her about why she hadn’t quit smoking. She told my mom that her doctor told her not to quit because it would cause her to stress out and that would hurt the baby. I have never heard something so selfish. Now because of that mothers addiction that baby will not have a regular life it will most likely be a dwarf due to her mother’s selfishness.